2008年2月20日 星期三

English diary

This is my first time writes the diary with English.

Yesterday I waked up at 9:00 pm.Then I took a shower.And my mon made breakfirst for me.After my breakfirst I went to the library of Cultural Affairs Bureau.I have been study at library of Cultural Affairs Bureau since I quit my job from EVERGREEN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS.It's almost about two weeks ago.It's a long story abot EVERGREEN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS.

And I studied English and java program until 12:30 o'clock at noon.I usually back to my home to eat lunch.On my way home.The weather still cold.People, cars and motorcycles of the road are come-and-go.I did't know what should I do in my mind at this moment.I just kept ridding my motorcycle to my home and eat lunch.After lunch I took a reast.Then still rode on my motorcycle to the library and kept studying.

At the afternoon I had a thinking suddenly.I think when I finish my study.I want play basketball at TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY.So I invited Kevin Shi,Chen Li-Ping and Li Chung-Sin to the game.Then I kept studying.

Here comes evening.It was excited to play basketball for us.Because we have not been playing the basketball together for long time.And we had a gread basketball game.At last there are some foreigners played in the same basketball court.Who speaks in English and Japanese.There are 10 half-courts in TUNGHAI UNIVERSUTY.So u can see one half-court speaks English another half-court speaks Japanese and the other half-court speaks Chinese.That was very interesting.And it was a gread day.

Lu Yao-Chu 2008.2.20