2008年3月25日 星期二

Journey & Learning

Since I came to settle it has already 3 days.First time I arrived this strange country which is called beautiful, great and nice place by most of people.I was overwhelmed with a sense of strangeness to this country. Three days ago when I just arrived the airport.m~~I felt a little chilly.And in my memory seattle is place where is always raining.And seattle made me another two impressions .One of them is about the movie which is called Sleepless in Seattle(西雅圖夜未眠) and other one is starbucks.Although I have ever heard about the movie, Sleepless in seattle, but I have never saw it before actually.It's weird right ? Probably.
And why I came to seattle.One of my reasons is I want to think about what I want to do acturally in my life.And think what should I do on next setp.Therefor I quited my job and planed this journey.Then I made a decision to visit my sister who working in American.
Lu Yao-Chu2008.3.25

1 則留言:

Ru 提到...

What's up

I was very happy you came to Seattle to learn English.

How is your test today? Cowabunga!!