2008年3月1日 星期六

Special Experience on Friday night

Well in this weekend.Friday night.I had a very special experience.I met a friend She is a foreigner.Her name is Jessica.She comes from Canada.She is a Canadian.She is a Chinese student with my aunt.The whole thing began in that I want to improve my English listening, speaking, studying and writting recently.So I hear about my aunt,she teaches foreigners speak in Chinese.Aaccordingly I asked my aunt.Can she introduce one of her Chinese student to me?Few days ago.My aunt made a appointment for me with her student at K.F.C.

When Jessica arrived K.F.C.We have selected some meal and started to introduce to eacher other.This is the first time, I chat with foreigner.It made me so exciting.Then we asked questions to eacher. For example I asked her what Chinese food do you like it?She said she likes 滷肉飯 but she doesn't know how to say this word in Chinese.So it took me a lot of time to guess it.But it's ok.Process of guess is really funny.And we also asked many questions to eacher.

Let me introduce Jessica simply.She has gone to Taiwan almost about 4 years.And she told me she likes Taiwan very much.Because Taiwan is still a new place to her.And she is also an English teacher.Height,weight...etc Idon't know but she is a really nice person and very kindness.And I still asked some questions from her.One of my questions is how lone dose she plan to stay in Taichung or Taiwn.She said "NO PLAN".WOW surprised me.It's cool to me.We always chat until her friend gave her a phone call.We left K.F.C almost about 8:30pm.She said her friend get some problem with her identification about the work.I don't want to delay her time.So I said it's ok.And we said goodbye to eacher.

It was a lively dinner to me.Hoped I don't have any un-politeness behavior to Jessica.And I also hoped jessica is the foreign friend which I first hands over.

Lu Yao-Chu 2008.3.1

2 則留言:

Ru 提到...

haha~~ Is she beautiful? Did you talk English with her?

I saw your new post that I was so happy.
last tree sentences are strange. I can't understand that you typed.

Ru 提到...

come on boy!! I have written four blogs. you only two. It's too less. You need to do harder.