2008年5月25日 星期日

Blue Ginger

I went to a Korean restaurant with my sister and her boyfriend last Wednesday. This is my first time to eat Korean food in America. Before I went to the restaurant, I found out that American restaurant aren't as beautiful as Taiwan's. Taiwanese restaurants are always decorated beautifully. I mean Taiwanese restaurant are more beautiful than American. It doesn't mean that the Taiwanese restaurants are the most beautiful in the world. I also consider that the restaurants in Japan and Korea are always decorated very beautifully.
When I went to a Korean restaurant with my friend three years ago, Korea's food looks very spicy. When we arrived at the restaurant, there was a lovely Korean waitress. She was greeting someone. After that, she led us to our seats. Then, we were preparing to order something. I didn't understand the menu. Therefore, I asked my sister to order for me. I was talking about an earthquake which happened in China while we were waiting for our dinner. I also said how many people died in this earthquake, but my sister felt very upset. But I was still talking about this subject with her boyfriend, until my sister couldn't tolerate it anymore. She said"Do we have to talk about this subject?" My sister wanted to change the subject. At this moment, a waiter brought our meal. He not only brought our food but also brought a few appetizers. There were eight appetizers. They were new to me. I found another interesting thing when we were eating dinner. In Taiwan, we usually eat one at a time . After we finished our dinner, the Korean food wasn't spicy enough that I imaged. Basically, it was a good experience for me to eat Korean food in America. If I have another chance, I will go again. Finally, I haven't told about the name of the Korean restaurant. It is called Blue Ginger
