2008年5月25日 星期日

Blue Ginger

I went to a Korean restaurant with my sister and her boyfriend last Wednesday. This is my first time to eat Korean food in America. Before I went to the restaurant, I found out that American restaurant aren't as beautiful as Taiwan's. Taiwanese restaurants are always decorated beautifully. I mean Taiwanese restaurant are more beautiful than American. It doesn't mean that the Taiwanese restaurants are the most beautiful in the world. I also consider that the restaurants in Japan and Korea are always decorated very beautifully.
When I went to a Korean restaurant with my friend three years ago, Korea's food looks very spicy. When we arrived at the restaurant, there was a lovely Korean waitress. She was greeting someone. After that, she led us to our seats. Then, we were preparing to order something. I didn't understand the menu. Therefore, I asked my sister to order for me. I was talking about an earthquake which happened in China while we were waiting for our dinner. I also said how many people died in this earthquake, but my sister felt very upset. But I was still talking about this subject with her boyfriend, until my sister couldn't tolerate it anymore. She said"Do we have to talk about this subject?" My sister wanted to change the subject. At this moment, a waiter brought our meal. He not only brought our food but also brought a few appetizers. There were eight appetizers. They were new to me. I found another interesting thing when we were eating dinner. In Taiwan, we usually eat one at a time . After we finished our dinner, the Korean food wasn't spicy enough that I imaged. Basically, it was a good experience for me to eat Korean food in America. If I have another chance, I will go again. Finally, I haven't told about the name of the Korean restaurant. It is called Blue Ginger

2008年4月23日 星期三







































他們長大了可以陪我打麻將, 像現在沒啥機會賠呂爸爸打麻將。





社會福利 。



2008年4月17日 星期四

First Time To Watch NBA Besketball Game (Top)

上個週末我實現了我從小到大一直很想做的一件事。那就是去看一場NBA的球賽,那一直是我心裡從小的一個願望跟夢想,就在上個禮拜天我實現了這個夢想。上個禮拜五週末下課的時候,問了一個也是台灣來的朋友,問他週末有沒有要幹麻?他說他會跟他表哥去看NBA球賽。那個時候才想到,對吼有NBA球賽可以看,整個反應慢了半拍,因為其實很不想麻煩我姐,所以下了課,回到家趕快查資訊,還好還有一場球賽。那是Settle Sonics的最後一場球賽,哈整個超幸運,還有最後一場球賽可以看。Seattle SuperSonics VS Dalls Mavericks。於是上網買了票,就等著電子票寄到我的信箱啦。定完票就跟姐姐去吃晚餐了。可是吃完晚餐回到家,看了一下我e-mail的信箱。怎麼還沒寄來呢?等看看明天好了,結果到了星期六也是沒有寄來,心理開始緊張了是不是我看錯還是什麼的,於是打電話問了我姐一下,我姐說不用擔心,美國很方便的,假使沒看到還是可以退票什麼之類的,我想說好吧那我就等看看星期天,可是星期天就要開打了@@。於是我就再繼續等到隔天,最後受不了了就開始找到底哪裡出錯,結果我自己摸索了老半天,發現原來是我的e-mail填錯了,怎麼辦?@@。卡刷了、錢付了票寄到錯的信箱了。整個很蠢。於是只好打電話到訂票公司那邊求救@@又是訓練英語的時間。OK搞定,結束。整個心理超興奮的,衝去老姊那邊把我的 ticket print out。呵呵就等待著晚上的球賽啦。

/*左上角的圖是 Seattle SuperSonics 的主場 Key Arena*/

First Time To Watch NBA Besketball(上).....to be continued

Lu Yao-Chu2008.4.17

2008年4月5日 星期六

The Pike Place Market

今天是歡樂的weekend。於是睡的比較晚一點、早上被姐姐電話吵醒、看了看時間那時已經是10:30了。在電話中姐姐問我說今天有沒有什麼計劃。黛西(她是一個我老姊的工作的同事、同時也是一個大陸菁英、有機會再提到她)問我們要不要到西雅圖的downtown走走逛逛。腦袋瓜還在想睡的我、本來計劃今天是窩在家裡好好唸個書或是什麼的?或許是我老姐不希望我沒事就待在家裡吧。總覺得來到這個地方就應該多走走多看看。於是想說OK就去走走吧。於是就跟姐姐約了個時間、跳下床、刷牙、洗臉、沖澡去。下午到"西雅圖"著名的景點-派克市場(The Pike Place Market)、就是右上角這張圖的地方。這是我ㄧ個國中好朋友(許書凱)推薦的景點之ㄧ。再邊停車邊找車位時、聽我姐姐說在美國很少有這種市場、所以在這邊也可以算是著名的觀光勝地。這時心裡就想起了家鄉的士林夜市、也是一樣。停好車...就開始準備、享受悠閒的假日了。第一站就來到了全球第一家的"星巴克"咖啡店。小小的一間、跟台灣的裝潢不太一樣、但是我還是很興奮的拿了相機、照了張像。人來來往往。就在照相的時候我姐說 : 他們的收銀機好像是不會停的、客人會一直進來。從現場的生意看來也真的很好呢、外面就排了一條長長的路人。心裡想改天有機會再來好好照照這家。全球第一家的星巴克吧。這時就到處晃了晃。 萬萬每想到 走著走著就來到了西雅圖夜未眠的場景了。 哈~第三張這張照片是西雅 圖夜未眠裡的湯姆漢克曾經在這裡拍戲過的一家餐廳。餐廳 外面還有當時湯姆漢克拍攝的照片。 真的很有趣、整個下午就是跟姐姐很悠閒的在這個派克市 場(The Pike Place Market)、四處逛逛 。我喜歡這種感覺、很悠閒的跟姐姐聊著天、 漫步在西雅圖的街上。距離上次離開故鄉已經是2~3年前的事了。或許我真的應該放鬆一下的、就像書凱說的玩夠了就回來吧。呵~。我也不知道。暫時先繼續我的旅程吧。希望我在故鄉的朋友都會想我。等我充好電、想清楚了就會回去看你們了。

Lu Yao-Chu2008.4.5

2008年3月25日 星期二

The second day comes to seattle

....to be continue

Journey & Learning

Since I came to settle it has already 3 days.First time I arrived this strange country which is called beautiful, great and nice place by most of people.I was overwhelmed with a sense of strangeness to this country. Three days ago when I just arrived the airport.m~~I felt a little chilly.And in my memory seattle is place where is always raining.And seattle made me another two impressions .One of them is about the movie which is called Sleepless in Seattle(西雅圖夜未眠) and other one is starbucks.Although I have ever heard about the movie, Sleepless in seattle, but I have never saw it before actually.It's weird right ? Probably.
And why I came to seattle.One of my reasons is I want to think about what I want to do acturally in my life.And think what should I do on next setp.Therefor I quited my job and planed this journey.Then I made a decision to visit my sister who working in American.
Lu Yao-Chu2008.3.25

2008年3月1日 星期六

Special Experience on Friday night

Well in this weekend.Friday night.I had a very special experience.I met a friend She is a foreigner.Her name is Jessica.She comes from Canada.She is a Canadian.She is a Chinese student with my aunt.The whole thing began in that I want to improve my English listening, speaking, studying and writting recently.So I hear about my aunt,she teaches foreigners speak in Chinese.Aaccordingly I asked my aunt.Can she introduce one of her Chinese student to me?Few days ago.My aunt made a appointment for me with her student at K.F.C.

When Jessica arrived K.F.C.We have selected some meal and started to introduce to eacher other.This is the first time, I chat with foreigner.It made me so exciting.Then we asked questions to eacher. For example I asked her what Chinese food do you like it?She said she likes 滷肉飯 but she doesn't know how to say this word in Chinese.So it took me a lot of time to guess it.But it's ok.Process of guess is really funny.And we also asked many questions to eacher.

Let me introduce Jessica simply.She has gone to Taiwan almost about 4 years.And she told me she likes Taiwan very much.Because Taiwan is still a new place to her.And she is also an English teacher.Height,weight...etc Idon't know but she is a really nice person and very kindness.And I still asked some questions from her.One of my questions is how lone dose she plan to stay in Taichung or Taiwn.She said "NO PLAN".WOW surprised me.It's cool to me.We always chat until her friend gave her a phone call.We left K.F.C almost about 8:30pm.She said her friend get some problem with her identification about the work.I don't want to delay her time.So I said it's ok.And we said goodbye to eacher.

It was a lively dinner to me.Hoped I don't have any un-politeness behavior to Jessica.And I also hoped jessica is the foreign friend which I first hands over.

Lu Yao-Chu 2008.3.1

2008年2月20日 星期三

English diary

This is my first time writes the diary with English.

Yesterday I waked up at 9:00 pm.Then I took a shower.And my mon made breakfirst for me.After my breakfirst I went to the library of Cultural Affairs Bureau.I have been study at library of Cultural Affairs Bureau since I quit my job from EVERGREEN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS.It's almost about two weeks ago.It's a long story abot EVERGREEN INTERNATIONAL HOTELS.

And I studied English and java program until 12:30 o'clock at noon.I usually back to my home to eat lunch.On my way home.The weather still cold.People, cars and motorcycles of the road are come-and-go.I did't know what should I do in my mind at this moment.I just kept ridding my motorcycle to my home and eat lunch.After lunch I took a reast.Then still rode on my motorcycle to the library and kept studying.

At the afternoon I had a thinking suddenly.I think when I finish my study.I want play basketball at TUNGHAI UNIVERSITY.So I invited Kevin Shi,Chen Li-Ping and Li Chung-Sin to the game.Then I kept studying.

Here comes evening.It was excited to play basketball for us.Because we have not been playing the basketball together for long time.And we had a gread basketball game.At last there are some foreigners played in the same basketball court.Who speaks in English and Japanese.There are 10 half-courts in TUNGHAI UNIVERSUTY.So u can see one half-court speaks English another half-court speaks Japanese and the other half-court speaks Chinese.That was very interesting.And it was a gread day.

Lu Yao-Chu 2008.2.20